The road to the Foundation of the Garden of the Righteous
The idea of establishing the Warsaw Garden was born during the first commemoration of the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous - March 6, 2013 - inspired by the Italian GARIWO foundation. The Committee of the Garden of the Righteous in Warsaw accepted the proposal of the Wola District to locate the Garden in the square of Gen. Jan Jura-Gorzechowski. Every year, trees dedicated to those who saved the lives of others or stood up for human dignity grow here - during Nazism and Communism, genocides, mass murders, crimes against humanity committed in the 20th and 21st centuries.
It all started in Italy
The First Garden of the Righteous was opened in 2003 in Milan on the initiative of the Italian GARIWO foundation.
GARIWO – Gardens of the Righteous Worldwide

Appeal to the European Parliament
World Committee for the Garden of the Righteous "Gariwo" starts collecting signatures for an appeal to the European Parliament to establish the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous: "The Righteous preserved the honor of Europe during the Shoah and made us not lose faith in humanity. (...) Today, we also consider as Righteous those who opposed the Armenian genocide, provided assistance to the victims of the war in Rwanda, Cambodia, and during ethnic cleansing in former Yugoslavia. The title of Righteous also belongs to those who stood up for dignity and freedom in totalitarian regimes and did not hesitate to openly speak out about the criminal system of the Gulag."
It was their courage that contributed to the unification of Europe. These examples have a universal dimension. They encourage us to cherish the legacy of the Righteous and to strongly oppose all forms of racism, ethnic, social, political, and religious discrimination (...) The world we live in is not free from conflicts, which should especially prompt us to remind about the deeds of the Righteous, to point out the value of Good." Among the signatories of the appeal are Umberto Eco, Dario Fo, Svetlana Broz, Marc-Henri Fermont, Daniel J. Goldhagen, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Władysław Bartoszewski, and Tadeusz Mazowiecki.
March 6 European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous
On May 6, 2012, the European Parliament adopted a resolution establishing March 6 as the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous. March 6 is the date of the death of Moshe Bejski, born in Działoszyce near Krakow, the initiator of the Garden of the Righteous in Jerusalem and co-creator of the definition of 'Righteous Among the Nations' (1953).
'Considering that the memory of doing good is fundamental to the process of European integration, as it teaches younger generations that everyone can always make a choice and help others and protect human dignity, and that public institutions have a duty to set an example for people protecting others from persecutions motivated by hatred, the European Parliament supports the call of the most eminent citizens to establish the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous on March 6 in order to honor those who have made their individual resistance the basis against crimes against humanity and totalitarianism.'
Decision to establish the Warsaw Garden of the Righteous
In the Warsaw House of Meetings with History, under the leadership of Tadeusz Mazowiecki, the Honorary Committee of the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous was established. The Committee has set promoting the idea of the Righteous as its main goal, primarily due to its educational potential and active support for the observance of this holiday in Poland, as well as taking actions aimed at creating the Warsaw Garden of the Righteous. The Committee for the Garden of the Righteous in Warsaw has accepted the proposal of the Wola District to locate the Garden in the square of Gen. Jan Jura-Gorzechowski.
Opening the first in Poland Garden of the Righteous
Every year, trees dedicated to those in Europe and beyond who saved the lives of others or stood up for human dignity - during Nazism and communism, genocides, mass murders, crimes against humanity, committed in the 20th and 21st centuries, will grow here.
The first honored are: Marek Edelman, Magdalena Grodzka-Gużkowska, Jan Karski (Jan Kozielewski), Antonia Locatelli, Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Anna Politkovskaya. Thanks to the initiative of the Italian "Gariwo" foundation, dozens of Gardens of the Righteous have already been opened worldwide.
Committee of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
Agnieszka Bieńczyk-Missala
Chairwoman of the Committee of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
Wojciech Białożyt
Member of the Board of the Bronisław Geremek Center Foundation
Francesco M. Cataluccio
GARIWO Foundation representative in Poland
Bogdan Bialek
President of the Jan Karski Association
Alicja Bartuś
director of the Auschwitz Human Rights Institute
Konstanty Gebert
journalist, commentator, academic lecturer, translator, founder of the monthly magazine 'Midrasz'
Piotr Jakubowski
director of the House of Meetings with History
Artur Jóźwik
director of the Office of Culture at the City of Warsaw
Urszula Kierzkowska
Mayor of the Bemowo district of the capital city of Warsaw
Maja Komorowska
film and stage actress
Lena Kolarska-Bobińska
sociologist, professor of humanities
Zbigniew Nosowski
journalist, editor-in-chief of the quarterly magazine 'Więź'
Wacław Oszajca
Jesuit, publicist, co-founder and member of the program council of the Eastern Culture Foundation "Akcent"
Adam Daniel Rotfeld
Professor of humanities, diplomat, member of the board of the Republic's Service Foundation
Paula Sawicka
Chair of the Programme Council OR
Michael Joseph Schudrich
Chief Rabbi of Poland, member of the Social Committee Museum of the History of Polish Jews Polin
Zygmunt Stępiński
director of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN
Anna Stupnicka-Bando
President of the Polish Society of the Righteous Among the Nations
Róża Thun
political activist, Member of the European Parliament
Joseph Wancer
member of the Council and Chairman of the Financial Commission of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation
Ewa Wierzynska
director of the Jan Karski Educational Foundation, the initiator and manager of the educational program 'Jan Karski: Unfinished Mission', implemented as part of a project at the Museum of Polish History
Małgorzata Zakrzewska
Councillor of the Capital City of Warsaw, Deputy Chair of the Culture and Promotion Committee
Anna Ziarkowska
Chairwoman of the Board of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
Foundation Council
Wojciech Lentil
Chairman of the Board of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
Francesco M. Cataluccio
Konstanty Gebert
Piotr Jakubowski
Joseph Wancer
Foundation Founders
Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation
Joseph Wancer
Foundation Board
Anna Ziarkowska
Chairwoman of the Board of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
of Education
Justyna Dominiak
educational project coordinator
Adam Rębacz
collaboration with teachers
The road to the Foundation of the Garden of the Righteous
The idea of establishing the Warsaw Garden was born during the first commemoration of the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous - March 6, 2013 - inspired by the Italian GARIWO foundation. The Committee of the Garden of the Righteous in Warsaw accepted the proposal of the Wola District to locate the Garden in the square of Gen. Jan Jura-Gorzechowski. Every year, trees dedicated to those who saved the lives of others or stood up for human dignity grow here - during Nazism and Communism, genocides, mass murders, crimes against humanity committed in the 20th and 21st centuries.
It all started in Italy
The First Garden of the Righteous was opened in 2003 in Milan on the initiative of the Italian GARIWO foundation.
GARIWO – Gardens of the Righteous Worldwide

Appeal to the European Parliament
World Committee for the Garden of the Righteous "Gariwo" starts collecting signatures for an appeal to the European Parliament to establish the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous: "The Righteous preserved the honor of Europe during the Shoah and made us not lose faith in humanity. (...) Today, we also consider as Righteous those who opposed the Armenian genocide, provided assistance to the victims of the war in Rwanda, Cambodia, and during ethnic cleansing in former Yugoslavia. The title of Righteous also belongs to those who stood up for dignity and freedom in totalitarian regimes and did not hesitate to openly speak out about the criminal system of the Gulag."
It was their courage that contributed to the unification of Europe. These examples have a universal dimension. They encourage us to cherish the legacy of the Righteous and to strongly oppose all forms of racism, ethnic, social, political, and religious discrimination (...) The world we live in is not free from conflicts, which should especially prompt us to remind about the deeds of the Righteous, to point out the value of Good." Among the signatories of the appeal are Umberto Eco, Dario Fo, Svetlana Broz, Marc-Henri Fermont, Daniel J. Goldhagen, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Władysław Bartoszewski, and Tadeusz Mazowiecki.
March 6 European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous
On May 6, 2012, the European Parliament adopted a resolution establishing March 6 as the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous. March 6 is the date of the death of Moshe Bejski, born in Działoszyce near Krakow, the initiator of the Garden of the Righteous in Jerusalem and co-creator of the definition of 'Righteous Among the Nations' (1953).
'Considering that the memory of doing good is fundamental to the process of European integration, as it teaches younger generations that everyone can always make a choice and help others and protect human dignity, and that public institutions have a duty to set an example for people protecting others from persecutions motivated by hatred, the European Parliament supports the call of the most eminent citizens to establish the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous on March 6 in order to honor those who have made their individual resistance the basis against crimes against humanity and totalitarianism.'
Decision to establish the Warsaw Garden of the Righteous
In the Warsaw House of Meetings with History, under the leadership of Tadeusz Mazowiecki, the Honorary Committee of the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous was established. The Committee has set promoting the idea of the Righteous as its main goal, primarily due to its educational potential and active support for the observance of this holiday in Poland, as well as taking actions aimed at creating the Warsaw Garden of the Righteous. The Committee for the Garden of the Righteous in Warsaw has accepted the proposal of the Wola District to locate the Garden in the square of Gen. Jan Jura-Gorzechowski.
Opening the first in Poland Garden of the Righteous
Every year, trees dedicated to those in Europe and beyond who saved the lives of others or stood up for human dignity - during Nazism and communism, genocides, mass murders, crimes against humanity, committed in the 20th and 21st centuries, will grow here.
The first honored are: Marek Edelman, Magdalena Grodzka-Gużkowska, Jan Karski (Jan Kozielewski), Antonia Locatelli, Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Anna Politkovskaya. Thanks to the initiative of the Italian "Gariwo" foundation, dozens of Gardens of the Righteous have already been opened worldwide.
Committee of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
Agnieszka Bieńczyk-Missala
Chairwoman of the Committee of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
Wojciech Białożyt
Member of the Board of the Bronisław Geremek Center Foundation
Francesco M. Cataluccio
GARIWO Foundation representative in Poland
Bogdan Bialek
President of the Jan Karski Association
Alicja Bartuś
director of the Auschwitz Human Rights Institute
Konstanty Gebert
journalist, commentator, academic lecturer, translator, founder of the monthly magazine 'Midrasz'
Piotr Jakubowski
director of the House of Meetings with History
Artur Jóźwik
director of the Office of Culture at the City of Warsaw
Urszula Kierzkowska
Mayor of the Bemowo district of the capital city of Warsaw
Maja Komorowska
film and stage actress
Lena Kolarska-Bobińska
sociologist, professor of humanities
Zbigniew Nosowski
journalist, editor-in-chief of the quarterly magazine 'Więź'
Wacław Oszajca
Jesuit, publicist, co-founder and member of the program council of the Eastern Culture Foundation "Akcent"
Adam Daniel Rotfeld
Professor of humanities, diplomat, member of the board of the Republic's Service Foundation
Paula Sawicka
Chair of the Programme Council OR
Michael Joseph Schudrich
Chief Rabbi of Poland, member of the Social Committee Museum of the History of Polish Jews Polin
Zygmunt Stępiński
director of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN
Anna Stupnicka-Bando
President of the Polish Society of the Righteous Among the Nations
Róża Thun
political activist, Member of the European Parliament
Joseph Wancer
member of the Council and Chairman of the Financial Commission of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation
Ewa Wierzynska
director of the Jan Karski Educational Foundation, the initiator and manager of the educational program 'Jan Karski: Unfinished Mission', implemented as part of a project at the Museum of Polish History
Małgorzata Zakrzewska
Councillor of the Capital City of Warsaw, Deputy Chair of the Culture and Promotion Committee
Anna Ziarkowska
Chairwoman of the Board of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
Foundation Council
Wojciech Lentil
Chairman of the Board of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
Francesco M. Cataluccio
Konstanty Gebert
Piotr Jakubowski
Joseph Wancer
Foundation Founders
Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation
Joseph Wancer
Foundation Board
Anna Ziarkowska
Chairwoman of the Board of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
of Education
Justyna Dominiak
educational project coordinator
Adam Rębacz
collaboration with teachers
The road to the Foundation of the Garden of the Righteous
The idea of establishing the Warsaw Garden was born during the first commemoration of the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous - March 6, 2013 - inspired by the Italian GARIWO foundation. The Committee of the Garden of the Righteous in Warsaw accepted the proposal of the Wola District to locate the Garden in the square of Gen. Jan Jura-Gorzechowski. Every year, trees dedicated to those who saved the lives of others or stood up for human dignity grow here - during Nazism and Communism, genocides, mass murders, crimes against humanity committed in the 20th and 21st centuries.
It all started in Italy
The First Garden of the Righteous was opened in 2003 in Milan on the initiative of the Italian GARIWO foundation.
GARIWO – Gardens of the Righteous Worldwide

Appeal to the European Parliament
World Committee for the Garden of the Righteous "Gariwo" starts collecting signatures for an appeal to the European Parliament to establish the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous: "The Righteous preserved the honor of Europe during the Shoah and made us not lose faith in humanity. (...) Today, we also consider as Righteous those who opposed the Armenian genocide, provided assistance to the victims of the war in Rwanda, Cambodia, and during ethnic cleansing in former Yugoslavia. The title of Righteous also belongs to those who stood up for dignity and freedom in totalitarian regimes and did not hesitate to openly speak out about the criminal system of the Gulag."
It was their courage that contributed to the unification of Europe. These examples have a universal dimension. They encourage us to cherish the legacy of the Righteous and to strongly oppose all forms of racism, ethnic, social, political, and religious discrimination (...) The world we live in is not free from conflicts, which should especially prompt us to remind about the deeds of the Righteous, to point out the value of Good." Among the signatories of the appeal are Umberto Eco, Dario Fo, Svetlana Broz, Marc-Henri Fermont, Daniel J. Goldhagen, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Władysław Bartoszewski, and Tadeusz Mazowiecki.
On March 6, European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous
On May 6, 2012, the European Parliament adopted a resolution establishing March 6 as the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous. March 6 is the date of the death of Moshe Bejski, born in Działoszyce near Krakow, the initiator of the Garden of the Righteous in Jerusalem and co-creator of the definition of 'Righteous Among the Nations' (1953).
'Considering that the memory of doing good is fundamental to the process of European integration, as it teaches younger generations that everyone can always make a choice and help others and protect human dignity, and that public institutions have a duty to set an example for people protecting others from persecutions motivated by hatred, the European Parliament supports the call of the most eminent citizens to establish the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous on March 6 in order to honor those who have made their individual resistance the basis against crimes against humanity and totalitarianism.'
Decision to establish the Warsaw Garden of the Righteous
In the Warsaw House of Meetings with History, under the leadership of Tadeusz Mazowiecki, the Honorary Committee of the European Day of Remembrance for the Righteous was established. The Committee has set promoting the idea of the Righteous as its main goal, primarily due to its educational potential and active support for the observance of this holiday in Poland, as well as taking actions aimed at creating the Warsaw Garden of the Righteous. The Committee for the Garden of the Righteous in Warsaw has accepted the proposal of the Wola District to locate the Garden in the square of Gen. Jan Jura-Gorzechowski.
Opening of the first Garden of the Righteous in Poland
Every year, trees dedicated to those in Europe and beyond who saved the lives of others or stood up for human dignity - during Nazism and communism, genocides, mass murders, crimes against humanity, committed in the 20th and 21st centuries, will grow here.
The first honored are: Marek Edelman, Magdalena Grodzka-Gużkowska, Jan Karski (Jan Kozielewski), Antonia Locatelli, Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Anna Politkovskaya. Thanks to the initiative of the Italian "Gariwo" foundation, dozens of Gardens of the Righteous have already been opened worldwide.
Committee of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
Agnieszka Bieńczyk-Missala
Chairwoman of the Committee of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
Wojciech Białożyt
Member of the Board of the Bronisław Geremek Center Foundation
Francesco M. Cataluccio
GARIWO Foundation representative in Poland
Bogdan Bialek
President of the Jan Karski Association
Alicja Bartuś
director of the Auschwitz Human Rights Institute
Konstanty Gebert
journalist, commentator, academic lecturer, translator, founder of the monthly magazine 'Midrasz'
Piotr Jakubowski
director of the House of Meetings with History
Artur Jóźwik
director of the Office of Culture at the City of Warsaw
Urszula Kierzkowska
Mayor of the Bemowo district of the capital city of Warsaw
Maja Komorowska
film and stage actress
Lena Kolarska-Bobińska
sociologist, professor of humanities
Zbigniew Nosowski
journalist, editor-in-chief of the quarterly magazine 'Więź'
Wacław Oszajca
Jesuit, publicist, co-founder and member of the program council of the Eastern Culture Foundation "Akcent"
Adam Daniel Rotfeld
Professor of humanities, diplomat, member of the board of the Republic's Service Foundation
Paula Sawicka
Chair of the Programme Council OR
Michael Joseph Schudrich
Chief Rabbi of Poland, member of the Social Committee Museum of the History of Polish Jews Polin
Zygmunt Stępiński
director of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN
Anna Stupnicka-Bando
President of the Polish Society of the Righteous Among the Nations
Róża Thun
political activist, Member of the European Parliament
Joseph Wancer
member of the Council and Chairman of the Financial Commission of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation
Ewa Wierzynska
director of the Jan Karski Educational Foundation, the initiator and manager of the educational program 'Jan Karski: Unfinished Mission', implemented as part of a project at the Museum of Polish History
Małgorzata Zakrzewska
Councillor of the Capital City of Warsaw, Deputy Chair of the Culture and Promotion Committee
Anna Ziarkowska
Chairwoman of the Board of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
of the Foundation
Wojciech Lentil
Chairman of the Board of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
Francesco M. Cataluccio
Konstanty Gebert
Piotr Jakubowski
Joseph Wancer
of the Foundation
Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation
Joseph Wancer
Anna Ziarkowska
Chairwoman of the Board of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
of Education
Justyna Dominiak
educational project coordinator
Adam Rębacz
collaboration with teachers
contact / FOUNDATION
Anna Ziarkowska
President of the Board of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
+48 22 255 05 05
Garden of the Righteous Foundation
ul. Karowa 20,
00-324 Warsaw
garden address
Jan Jura-Gorzechowski Square,
01-023 Warsaw
contact / FOUNDATION
Anna Ziarkowska
President of the Board of the
Garden of the Righteous Foundation
+48 22 255 05 05
Garden of the Righteous Foundation
ul. Karowa 20,
00-324 Warsaw
kontakt / FUNDACJA
Anna Ziarkowska
President of the Management Board of the Garden of the Righteous Foundation
+48 22 255 05 05
Fundacja Ogród Sprawiedliwych
ul. Karowa 20,
00-324 Warszawa